October 9, 2011

Another Great Book!

I recently read Sea Glass by Anita Shreve and I love her writing style.  This past weekend I read another of her novels, Fortune's Rocks.  The setting for this powerful love story is a small oceanfront community in New Hampshire in 1899.  I think I'm going to read The Pilot's Wife by Shreve next.   Has anyone read any other books by this author?


  1. I'll add this one to my reading list now. I just downloaded "The Help" on your recommendation. Looking forward to reading it and chatting with you about it.

    Hope you have a wonderful week, my dear.
    Hugs to you and the girls,
    Donna and Mr. Sassy Pants

  2. Good Morning!
    Nope hadn't read any of hers, haven't read much of anything, sorry to say.

  3. She's one of my favorites. Weight of Water was the first one I read that she wrote. I also like Anne Tyler, Alice Hoffman, Sue Miller. I just love books.
