October 26, 2011

Apple Picking Day

Today was a beautiful day to pick apples  with several friends and their children at Carter Mountain Orchard.  I love this mountaintop orchard and have been going there since my children were small.

This tree makes me think of a giant wreath.  The apples were beautiful!  If you didn't want to pick your own, you could buy them at a higher price already picked.

Notice the tiny honeybee.  He/she is so important in making all this happen!

The big red barn at the orchard has a snack bar and a gift shop.  We bought some raspberry wine.

I have to share this with you.  I told my friend when we were picking apples  not to touch a vine that was growing around the tree trunk because it may be poison ivy.  Her reply was, "it's not poison ivy, it's a plant called "Virginia Creeper".   The funny part of this story is that I am a "native Virginian" and she is from South Africa!

It was  hazy but this is the view of Charlottesville from  the orchard.  

There are beautiful vineyards on the property also.


  1. The apples look delicious, those trees look like the branches are going to break! Nice views!

  2. We have a similar orchard here and I love it like you do - such a fun time. Great photos. sandie

  3. What a great day to be out enjoying the warmth of fall!! I had to chuckle at the poison ivy...I got by this year without too much trouble from it, but I know what to look for now thanks to people like you who told me what to look for when I posted about getting it!

  4. Wow - thanks for the scenic photos, as I will probably never get to see Charlottesville in person. The two vines must look a lot alike. I posted photos of red vines awhile back and got lots of comments about them being poisonous. But a few people knew that the were Virginia Creepers. I wasn't one of them, I just knew they were pretty.

  5. Such a fun day. Thanks for sharing it with us all. Hugs, lJ

  6. What a gorgeous view! What a fun day, who goes to apple orchards and buy's apples instead of picking LOL! Glad it was not poison ivy!!


  7. Your friend was wrong. I picked apples there and got poison ivy. :(
