November 11, 2011

Hope You Have a Restful Weekend!

My friend's daughter lives in Australia and posted this picture of a "roo" taking a nap on her FB page recently.  I love it!

I don't have much to write about today.  I finally finished planting about 30 daffodil bulbs this morning, went to a few yard sales, and had lunch with a friend.   I also had a visit from a lovely lady who was just passing through my neighborhood.  Unexpected guests are the best!

Tomorrow Hanna and I are going to the assisted living center to visit our friend and I'll probably check out the flea market.

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. A busy weekend for you! Enjoy your visit at the center. I guess I am just going to hang around the house and watch some movies.

  2. What an adorable pic! Sounds like you had a busy day!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. What a wonderful picture. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Maria
