December 22, 2011

Mikasa and Corgis

From 1996 - 2001, Mikasa manufactured cappuccino mugs and dessert plates with Santa and a red and white corgi at his feet.  About 8 years ago (after I got my first corgi) I started searching for these cute dishes and the only place I found them was on Ebay and Replacements.  Replacements is always too expensive for me but I've been able to get six sets from Ebay.  I go to lots of yard and estate sales, however, I've never found this pattern. I'd sure be excited to find a few!

I love using these during the holidays!


  1. Fantastic holiday dishes!! I love them!!

  2. Those are adorable. I've never seen them before. Wouldn't you know they'd stop making them in 2001 before you even had a corgi. That would be my luck too. Glad you were able to find some on eBay.
