December 3, 2011

New Necktie Purse

Several times I've posted about collecting ties to send to my friend in NC who turns them into beautiful purses.  Recently I found  a tie that I loved and just have to her make me a purse using it.  The center tie in the flap of this purse has  gorgeous tropical birds in shades of black, brown, maroon and  blue.  Last week I send her a box of 60  ties and picked out about eight to coordinate with the bird tie.  My new purse arrived this week and I love it!

Back of purse with generous size pocket
Below is a Christmas purse she made me last year.

Back view

This lady is quite a talented seamstress!  Her work is impeccable!


  1. Gor-Jus!!! I love both of them, but especially the tropical birds. Makes me want to sort through ties!

  2. What a unique concept! I love the idea!

    Um...slightly off topic, but do you have a full body shot of your corgis hanging around? I've never seen a corgi with such a soft looking coat in the face shot. I'd love to see if its for real all the way through! What do you feed?
