April 28, 2012

The Nest is Empty!

Friday morning there were only two out of five little birds left in the nest on my door.  By the end of the day they were all gone.  We actually saw the last little guy fly out of the nest and up to the top of the big holly tree in my front yard.   My granddaughter and I  heard lots of chirping just before dark tonight and  we are pretty sure it was whole family in an oak tree near my porch.  It looked like they were all practicing their flying maneuvers!

I'm late getting started this year but today I started buying annuals for my front porch and deck.  We had a serious infestation of inch worms earlier this spring and they have destroyed my hens and chickens on my corgi topiary.  This is my favorite time of year!  I love shopping in the garden departments and seeing what new plants are available this year.


  1. Small fragile egg shells were on my driveway today--Our Phoebes have hatched as yours are leaving. Exciting for both of us!! :-)

  2. Just so adorable, Sharon. Saw Five Year Engagement! Pretty rough and erratic! I would say think before going. The Herbal Husband was desperate to see a movie any movie. From the trailers, the movies aren't getting any better! Hope you are having a great weekend, Sharon. xxoo Nancy

  3. Are you having a little bit of empty nest syndrome? I would be. I have baby birds under the propane tank lid thingy again this year. It is great protection - but way too hot. They cheep every time I walk by.

  4. I just love wildlife! Your puppy dog is just sooo adorable!

  5. What a wonderful story you've been able to share about the baby birds, Sharon. Sorry about the topiary, but I'm sure you'll create something even better this year! (Can't wait to see!!!)
    Hugs from Florida to you and the girls.
    Donna and Tag

  6. ah, that's great news. We have a pair of long tailed tits nesting in a conifer just a few yards from the back of the house. Can't wait to see if they sucessfully hatch. The young should be out of the nest any time now. However we have had really bad rain for two weeks now so it might cause problems.

  7. The nest is empty, but the memories are always there. How cool that was.
    Exciting news about the show you are going to do!
    I bought 2 peonie plants for the front garden. Waiting for the weather to warm up before I plant them. Nothing like spring/summer flowers.

  8. Enjoyed the baby bird pictures soooo much throughout the growing up process. Thank you!

  9. How sweet that you got to see them all leave the nest! I love this time of year as well. There is always something pretty blossoming to bring home!
