August 30, 2012

Butterflies and More Butterflies!

My neice and I recently rented a space in a beautiful antique mall that is about a mile from my house.  She lives about 100 miles away and yesterday drove up to spend the night so we could work on "fluffing up" our shop today.  Before we started working we visited the local botanical gardens to see the butterfly exhibit that is featured this summer.  We both commented that it was like a dream!  The butterflies are housed in the conservatory and there are hundreds of them.  If you stood still for just a few minutes, they would perch on you and just sit  peacefully.  There were several plates of rotten fruit sitting around and the butterflies loved it!  This is a great idea for your home garden.
Hope you enjoy my pictures.


  1. Have a fantastic Friday and the butterflies are beautiful.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. I hope you'll share your shop photos, Sharon. Thinking about you and the girls and hoping all is well. Happy holiday weekend.
    Hugs to all,
    Donna and Tag
