October 23, 2012

Arabelle's New Home

Several of you have asked and I can finally post about Arabelle's new family.  About six weeks ago, Arabelle went to live with friends who have a male corgi named Jenkins. Jenkins is actually  brother to one of my other corgi girls.  The first week she was gone was very hard!  I was reminded of her pretty little face by so many things.   However, there was no question that I made the right decision.  My other two corgi girls are so much happier and she's loving her new family. 
Yesterday her new mom called to ask if I would like to keep her for a few days while they go out of town in November.  I couldn't possibly say no. I'm so excited!   I'm planning fun things for just the two of us when she's here.  We'll definitely be going to visit my neice at the bay so she can ride in the golf cart.  


  1. I'm so glad it worked out for Arabelle at her new home. Good that you can keep in touch and visit every now and then.

  2. Such a cute photo. Look forward to seeing some pix of her when she comes to stay. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. I am glad you could find a happy solution! How nice she gets to come visit!

  4. Awww, she's so cute. Have fun with Arabelle, and I love your header also!!

  5. So glad that you're able to keep in touch with Arabelle in her new home. I'm sure you'll have a great time "catching up" with her. Looking forward to a full report. Give her a smooch from us! (and smooches to your other girls, too.)
    Donna and Tag

  6. I'm glad things have worked out so well. It was such a hard decision to make. Let us know how the visit goes. Enjoy your time.

  7. Hope Sandy hasn't left too big of a problem for you. Glad you made the decision about Arabelle. Thinking of you and your family. xxoo Nancy
