November 5, 2012

Heidi's Surgery

Last week I took my corgi girl, Heidi, to have a growth removed from her back.  There's a wonderful group of vets in Richmond who specialize in dental cleaning and surgery only.  They charge about half of what a full service vet office charges and they are wonderful.  Heidi had no problems, is healing nicely, and goes back this week to have her stitches taken out.
hile we were there we got to meet, Chilly, who is owned by one of the vets.  He was the sweetest dog!  A few months ago he was an entry in a national contest to find a groom for a canine wedding held in NY to benefit a animal charity.  Chilly won!  He and his family flew to NY and he got married!
This is one side of the vet office that was decorated by a local artist named "Happy".  His art is amazing!
The office car is painted to look like a cat.  The car on the other side is a dog.  What fun!


  1. All I can say is WOW! Glad Heidi is OK!

  2. Some poor guy going down the road, stoned, will see one of these vehicles and drive up a tree or something! LOL
    Glad your girl is ok!

  3. Sending healing paw to Heidi and we hope the stitches are out soon. Love the car it is really funny. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Hope Heidi is all better fast!
