February 22, 2011

The King's Speech

Yesterday I went to see The King's Speech and I loved it!  The acting was superb and I won't be surprised if it doesn't get several Oscars this weekend.   The fact that Elizabeth and Margaret had two darling corgis certainly was part of my fascination with the movie. There aren't many movies these days that have any substance to them at all, so seeing something that is entertaining and educational is refreshing!


  1. Glad to hear this was a good movie,I have been wanting to see it.

  2. Have seen it twice, Sharon and will probably see it again before the Oscars. Hope it wins Best Pic! It so deserves it!

  3. I plan on seeing it when it comes on a DVD. I've heard it's good.

  4. We loved this movie and I have to say the corgis made it even more fun. We were in London this fall but alas, saw neither the queen nor her corgis...I believe it was her father who first gave her and her sister the corgis and she has had them ever since. good taste if you ask me ;-)

  5. I have not gotten to see this movie yet, but hope to soon. Love your blog! blessings,Kathleen
