February 21, 2011

Oak Bluffs, MA

The Tabernacle

I came across these pictures yesterday and thought you'd enjoy seeing them.  This area was so beautiful with its massive old oak trees and beautiful summer flowers.
In 1996 I was on vacation in Falmouth, MA, and took the ferry over to Martha's Vineyard for the day.  Our ferry docked in Oak Bluffs and I soon discovered the hundreds of little Victorian cottages that were built starting in 1861.  The cottages were used when people came to the island to attend revival meetings at the Tabernacle.  Today the cottages are the most perfectly preserved collection of Carpenter Gothic style architecture in the world and are used as family vacation homes. 


  1. I've also seen these little jewels in person. They are wonderful and so colorful too. Martha's Vineyard is a fun spot to visit. I really love Nantucket though.

  2. Oh that would be my dream come true to own a little cottage like these! Maybe someday...
    Tina xo

  3. I live on the Cape and take painting students over to the Vineyard each summer and drawing and painting these sweet cottages is always one of their favorite things to do. Thanks for the fun summer memories especially since it is snowing outside my window this morning ;-)

  4. I love Victorian houses! The look so charming and somehow always manage to give me a happy thrill when ever I get to see them.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. What adorable little gingerbread houses! I wouldn't mind having any one of them in my side yard! I know I will never see them in person - So Thank You very much, for the pics!

  6. Oh my, Oh my, I’ve never been to Martha’s Vineyard and I hate to admit it but every time I hear “Martha’s Vineyard” I always think of Martha Stewart as if she established it. Anyway, I want to go so badly and these pics just reinforce that for me. It looks perfect in every way and so quaint. Love it. Thanks for sharing lady!
