June 19, 2012

Population 540 and One Cute Corgi!

Today I went with my daughter, two granddaughters and several friends to Tangier Island, VA.   The island is located in the Chesapeake Bay and although it is closer to the state of Maryland, it is part of Virginia.  It took about an hour and half to get there on a cruise boat that left Reedville, VA.

The island has one combined school for all 12 grades.  The graduating class for 2012 was three students (all girls).  Last year there were 5 grads (three boys and two girls).

This is the oldest house on the island.  It is currently a bed and breakfast.

Most of the residents are water men and make a living by crabbing, fishing or harvesting oysters.  

There are no cars, only mopeds and golf carts.  The island does have a small airport.

Can you imagine only having one grocery store?  We were told that many people travel to the mainland by boat, shop at Wal-Mart, Food Lion, etc. and bring groceries back to the island. 

We saw several very old gravesites. 

And last but not least, there's at least one adorable corgi on the island and his name is "Toto."

My beautiful granddaughters!

Great memories were made today with family and friends!


  1. That sounds like a fabulous daytrip! Nice to see that the island has maintained a simple way of life. I love Corgis and Toto is adorable. Have a great day! Tammy

  2. Nice place and handsome Toto. Those corgis get everywhere!
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Cute Toto, Sharon! I LOVE those crabby cement chairs that the girls are sitting on! Wouldn't those be cool in Florida, too?! Thanks for the tour (and information) about Tangier Island. What a fascinating place, and a little look back in time.
    Donna and Tag

  4. Indeed...I truly enjoyed this post. What a beautiful place and beautiful granddaughters.
