April 21, 2013


Last weekend I went to the Farmers Market/Flea Market in southern Maryland.  It was a beautiful Saturday.  I enjoyed seeing the Amish vendors with their baked goods and small animals.  I was looking for small furniture items that I could fix up for my shop. 

The only thing I bought was this magnet vase for fifty cents to add to my Susan Paley collection.  Her name is Rosie.  I love her red hair and blue eyes.
I have four of these tiny vases and I like to keep flowers on my refrigerator door when I have something blooming in my yard (even if it's a blooming weed).
I hope you've had a great weekend.  I really haven't accomplished much but have enjoyed being at home with my furkids.


  1. They are very cute. We too love a good rummage. Glad you had a great time chillaxing with the furkids. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. So cute! We went to a flea market this past weekend, but was so disappointed. It was more like a neighborhood junk sale. A lot of trash things.
