October 30, 2013

Guess What Day It Is...

It's the day that I get to share with you a picture of my grandcat dressed in his Halloween costume!  He has the cutest personality and is so patient with my daughter when she makes him sit for  photo sessions.  However, he does look like he's not going to stand for such foolishness much longer.
Last year he was a lobster and the year before, a frog.


Happy Halloween!

October 17, 2013

Update on My Fireplace


I promised to show you my brick fireplace after I painted it white.  I could not be happier with the result and wish I'd done it years ago.  I used one coat of primer and two coats of paint.  It updates my family room and makes it look larger.  My house is 30 years old so it needs updating.  I'm trying to think of other inexpensive DIY projects I can do!
Some of my summer flowers are still hanging on.  This is a dragon begonia on my deck.  Also, in the picture is one uncooperative corgi (Miss Heidi).

This week I've been working on Christmas items for my shop holiday open house in two weeks.  I'll have lots more to show you later, but thought you might enjoy seeing this wreath.
Have a wonderful weekend!  I'll be spending time "treasure hunting" with my sister.

October 9, 2013

To Paint or Not to Paint...

I've toyed with the idea of painting my brick fireplace for a long time.  Finally I'm going to do it.  You wouldn't believe the feedback I've gotten from anyone I've mentioned it too, positive and negative.  Even yesterday at the paint store the owner said "Are you sure you want to do this?"  My sister, who is a retired real estate agent, assured me that it wouldn't hurt the sale of my house in the future and she thought it would be pretty.  I'm painting it Linen White, the color of the walls.   A friend is coming to lunch Thursday and we're going to tackle this project.  Today I have to take the green shelf down and wash all those lady vases so they'll be sparkling when I put them back.  I'll post "after" pictures unless I absolutely hate the change and can't stop crying.
For the past week I've  been decorating for fall and Halloween.  I embroidered this banner for my breakfast room.  I think Halloween decorations are fun. 
Have you ever seen bittersweet growing?  I bought some from a vendor at a flea market last week.  He told me to sprayed it  with clear acrylic and it would last several years.    I love it in this enamel   coffee pot on my table.

I helped my daughter cover some chairs recently with a lime green and white chevron print.  Chevron is really popular right now.  We had a little too much supervision from my feline grandcat.  He's the one I write about each year in his Halloween costume.  I can't wait for you to see what he's going to be this year...
"You missed painting a spot right here"
More on the fireplace later, I hope...