November 21, 2013

A New Project

A few weeks ago I found this cabinet at the flea market for $30.  It is the top off a vintage desk.  My original plan was to paint it and sell it in my shop.  The wood was a dark mahogany color and it took a coat of stain killer and four coats of white to cover.   As I was working on it, the idea came to me that it would be quite pretty on my guest room wall to display some of the odd pieces of china I've collected over the years.    The picture on the bottom shelf is a gorgeous piece of cross stitch that I rescued and framed.  It is stitched on the smallest count fabric (can't remember what that was called).  I painted the stripes on the inside with the same paint as the walls.

Last week, a friend and I spent the day in Leesburg, VA.  I love that town!  There are so many lovely shops and great restaurants. These are a few pictures we took that day.

November 12, 2013

Tattered Elegance: Sweet Lil China Cabinet Redo

Please follow this link to see my cabinet redo by Erica of Tattered Elegance.  She is talented furniture artist!

Tattered Elegance: Sweet Lil China Cabinet Redo: Hello Friends!   Just wanted to pop in and share a quick post. I was just so anxious to show off this recent furniture redo that I di...

November 5, 2013

Daylight Saving Time and Miss Heidi

This has been a difficult week!  Changing my clocks back an hour was so simple but switching Heidi (in the above picture) is a totally different storyHeidi has always been a very serious, no nonsense kind of gal and does not like any deviation from her schedule.  Our normal feeding time before the clock change was 5 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. with a generous amount of carrot snacks in between.  That schedule isn't exactly wonderful for a retired grandma like me but I could live with it because I love my corgi girls.  However,  I cannot live with 4 a.m. and 2 p.m.  For the last three mornings her furry little paws hit the side of my bed and the barking begins at 4 a.m., give or take a few minutes.  She and I have had a few serious discussions and I'm hoping by the end of the week, we'll find a satisfactory compromise.
Sometimes I really question whose in charge around here!