January 30, 2011

Chip and Hanna

We had a wonderful visit at the Children's Hospital Saturday morning.  Hanna rode in this rolling chair so she would be on the same level with the children in wheelchairs.  She's gets very heavy for me to hold up for them to pet.

Chip was the other dog visiting from our therapy group.  He is an adorable cockapoo and  loves entertaining the children by playing his piano.
These two make quite a team.  Their personalities compliment each other.


  1. So sweet and how great that you parcitipate in this.

  2. That is a wonderful thing to be involved in. Hanna has such a sweet face!

  3. How great that you and Hanna are doing such wonderful work with the children. I know they must love her and you both.--Inger

  4. Sharon-how heart warming-I bet they are quite a duo. It must be so rewarding to give the kids the love and smiles they so need.

  5. How great that Hanna and Chip can give the children medicine that the doctors can't give.

  6. It was a great visit. Thanks for posting the photos!

  7. Hanna looks so adorable in that chair Sharon! You can tell that she loves going to visit the children in the hospital. Chip is a cutie too!

    Are there special requirements about being able to take Hanna to the places like you do? I'd love to take Jazz to do things like that but she nor I have any training at all.

    Have a Great Week!
