March 28, 2011


Yesterday was a fun day!  My daughter invited me to go to the VCU bookstore in Richmond with her to pick up some  shirts for her family to wear this weekend when the basketball team plays again.  The bookstore was packed and everyone was excited and happy about the team's success to this point.

Richmond is such a beautiful city in the spring!  The dogwoods are just starting to bloom.  However, they'll probably be set back by the freezing nights we're having this week.  When the weather is warmer, I plan to go downtown and take lots of pictures to share with you.

Later I brushed the corgi girls out on the deck.  In the spring I always think their fur would make great fillers for bird's nest.  I'm hoping one day to come across an abandoned nest that's woven with corgi hair.


  1. Hmm, the dogwood must all bloom about the same time - ours are just starting to think about it. Usually around the 10th of April, they are beautiful. The peaches were early this year, maybe the others will be too. ????

    I'll bet the birds would use the girls' fur - unless they have a thing about the smell of dogs.

  2. Hi Sharon:
    I love the idea of coming across a bird's nest lined with corgi fur! I currently have a psycho female cardinal that keeps bashing up against my living rooms windows all day. (I guess she's seeing her reflection...which makes TWO psycho cardinals!)
    I think she could use a padded room...even if it's padded with corgi fur!
    Hugs to you and the girls.
    Donna, Kes and Fezzik I. ^..^

  3. Such pampered doggies you have. I bet they just loved the brushing.
