April 23, 2011

Have a Joyful Easter Day!

My daughter took this picture in Central Park in New York City this past week when she and her family were there for spring break.

This is a dwarf lilac that my granddaughters gave me for Mother's Day several years ago.  My front yard smells wonderful.

Take time today to enjoy your family and friends and this beautiful spring season!


  1. Stopping by for the 1st time, and loving the vintage look of your blog. Also love that you love Corgis - there are 2 in my son's family who visit each time they visit me. I will drop by often.

  2. Gorgeous spring photos. Especially the one from Central Park. The lilacs bush is stunning, I have been waiting three years for my lilacs to bloom, but no luck yet.

  3. Happy Easter my friend. I can smell the sweetness in the air from these beautiful photos.
    xx, shell

  4. I hope your Easter was filled with Love~Peace and Happiness~

    All the kids here didn't care that it was raining they hunted Easter Eggs and had a blast!!

    It was a good day wpent with Family!

