April 29, 2011

The Loss of a Dear Corgi Friend

Handsome Fezzik
June 10, 2010 - April 29, 2011

My heart is breaking tonight as I write about my friend, Donna, from Brynwood Needleworks.  Her corgi boy was scheduled for routine surgery yesterday and died today from complications.

Fez posted on his mom's blog each Friday and it was always so cute. Of course, I'd comment as if my corgi girls were writing and they were so smitten with this handsome little guy.

Donna is a terrific lady and adored Fez.  I think he was her first corgi.  I do hope after her heart has time to heal, she'll have another.

I'll be kissing my three corgi girls an extra time tonight!


  1. So sorry to hear of her loss. Animals are so dear to us.

  2. I'm just so incredibly sad. Just tooooooooo much sadness in one month.
    xx, shell

  3. It is devastating to lose a beloved pet. It will be a long time grieving for them. So sad.

  4. Poor fella, didn't even get to live a whole year - how sad! I will pray for your friend.

  5. I am so sorry for her loss. It is so hard to lose a beloved fur baby. My heart is breaking for her. I know, I lost one last week. I will keep her in my prayers.

  6. Thank you, Sharon. I'll be keeping in touch, and look forward to the day when I can again think or write about my precious boy without weeping. That won't be today.
    Love to you and the girls,

  7. That is so sad. I never read her blog or met Fez, but I am sending love and good thoughts Donna's way. Losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking.--Inger
