April 19, 2011

Savanna's Miniature Sweet Shop

I made this miniature sweet shop for my granddaughter who is 11 for Christmas. 
The little blond girl sitting in the chair reading looks so much like Savanna and of course, I had to find a  yellow lab and orange kitty like her real pets.
There's a checker game going on in the opposite corner.

The shop owner is checking his candy  inventory.  I think one of the coconut pieces has fallen out of the showcase.   It was fun painting tiny balloons on his apron!
These cute stuffed animals are watching for customers.

There's lots more games and toys on the bookshelf and a dollhouse in the corner.  A wonderful gentlemen who owns a local miniature store electrified the shop for me and it looks so cute when  the lights are turned on.

I made Savanna's older sister a coffee shop that Christmas and I'll post it soon.


  1. How fun! I am wondering if this is something you have done before. You did such an excellent job. It has a lot of personality. I hope she treasures it.

  2. It is just so adorable! The wallpaper is so cute! I just love all of the details you put into it!

  3. What patience you have Sharon! Beautiful job!

  4. Very nice Sharon ! Happy Easter :)

  5. This is adorable...I remember my doll house when I was a little girl in Germany, it had tiny little light switches on the wall that actually worked and turned on the lamps in the house...so cute! I bet your grand daughter enjoys it as much as I did mine!

  6. This is beautiful!! I think your granddaughter would love it so much. I came to know your site by Michelle's site and I love dollhouse miniatures.
    Hope you will come and see my creations too at http://www.peiliminiatures.com

    Pei Li
