August 18, 2011

Teacups Anonymous

Today I visited my wonderful friend at the assisted living center.  She is 87 years old, very beautiful, and her mind is sharper than mine. Sometimes I take Hanna with me but it was too hot today. 

After our visit, I stopped at the cutest church-sponsored thrift store called "Annie's Attic".  I looked around and was almost out the door when I spotted this beautiful teacup.  It was one of the Flower of the Month series made in England by Royal Albert  in 1970.  I couldn't resist, after all my birthday is in July.  The tiny blue flowers are forget-me-nots with yellow centers.  I am trying very hard to overcome my teacup obsession and have even thought of looking for a local chapter of Teacups Anonymous!


  1. How nice of you to visit an old friend! Hey, that tea cup just had your name on it, wasn't going to let you out of the shop till you spied it! Very cute!

  2. I know your friend was delighted to have you visit. That teacup is beautiful. Nothing wrong with collecting things that make us so happy.
    xx, shell

  3. I love to hear people stopping by the elderly for a visit. Nice teacup!

  4. That is such a beautiful teacup! I'm not sure if I would have passed it up myself.

  5. One can never have too many teacups, that is what tea parties are for!!

  6. I wish I could have a tea party and invite all my blogging friends! I'd match each teacup to the friend's personality. Wouldn't that be fun?

  7. A July birthday! What a lucky girl.. mine is in July as well. Near the end of the month.
    Hope you have a great weekend

  8. It's a beautiful teacup and saucer, Sharon...and it was just MEANT to be yours! How could you even consider passing it by? Of course, you couldn't. ;-)

  9. That is a BEAUTIFUL tea cup.
    I am always drawn to a delicate cup & saucer too, which is strange since I don't really like any type of hot drink. Guess I could drink cold Sweet Tea from a tea cup with my pinky curled and feel very special, couldn't I? LOL

    I enjoyed reading your GOOD NEWS today - lots of wonderful things happening in your world. Thanks for stopping by to share.
