September 23, 2011

Button Bracelets

My friend, Donna, is a writer for the wonderful  Button Floozies blog. She wrote a great post about my button bracelets yesterday and used  this beautiful picture she took when I had lunch with  her  recently. Since that post I have sold all three of these bracelets!

I could definitely be classified as a "button floozie".  I have loved buttons since I was a child.  My mother kept her buttons in a round tin and it was fun to take them all out, sort them by colors and match them up.

Years ago the fabric shops would put button cards in reduced bins and you could buy several cards for a dollar.  I have quite a collection that I bought like that. Old metal buttons are getting harder and harder to find and new ones are  expensive.  I saw some today at Hancock Fabrics that were $8 for two buttons.

Enjoy your first fall weekend!  I love all the church bazaars and yard sales this time of year.


  1. Very nice bracelets! I still haven't found my button jar, somebody probably threw them out during the move. I like the old buttons - they have character!

  2. Oooo, buttons...I do fancy old ones so very much. I have an old blue canning jar (or two, if truth be told), filled to the brim with antique buttons of every size. They rather remind me of jars of pretty penny candies!

    Thank you ever so kindly for popping my blog this day...I hope you enjoyed your visit and shall return again soon!

    Happy day to you Sharon...
    ~ Judy

  3. Congratulations on your sales! The buttons in the photo are not your everyday buttons!

  4. I found you via Donna's post on Button Floozies. Your bracelets are a work of art. Good luck! I'll likely be back to shop closer to the holidays.

  5. Absolutely beautiful! If you have more, I'd love to see/purchase, I know just the right person to gift one to this fall. I'm a fellow Richmonder and soon-to-be corgi mom, too!!

  6. I too love buttons. I have my mom's button box that was a cigar box. Your bracelets are lovely. Hugs, LJ

  7. I love those button bracelets out of old metal buttons.

    I have a few drawers full of buttons just need the know how to make me a bracelet

