September 4, 2011

Cloning Cats

Tonight on 60 Minutes there was a segment on cloning domestic cats.  My two were stretched out together on the foot of my bed watching it with me. These two are so entertaining! She's very affectionate with him and he pretends he doesn't like her.  He's 17 and she's about 13.


  1. Cute! Cats are so special. My two grey ones are mother and son and they have a very special bond. I don't think that can be cloned.

  2. You know, cats were my 'first love,' dogs weren't. But I just don't know about cloning one of them. I love all their different personalities and how unique they are from one another.

  3. How sweet! I am not so sure about cloning. blessings,Kathleen

  4. I don't think cloning is any kind of answer.

    Your two look quite comfy together!

  5. That is so sweet and what an adorable pair they are!
    Have a wonderful Labor Day holiday!
    Tina xo

  6. Your cats are beautiful. I also have two cats that i love. Hugs Maria

  7. We have too many feral cats in my neighborhood to think that cloning is a good thing! Your two cats are entertaining from this side of the screen. Just keep them there! Achoo! I'm still allergic. Hope you are having a dry Labor Day. We're rather damp! xxoo Nancy

  8. Oh, that looks cute. They look very cozy :)
